In this book series we are sharing how Humantific makes sense of innovation process models, historical and contemporary, spanning multiple communities of practice and an 80+ year period.
As stated in the Innovation Methods Mapping book: “The focus of this study is to better understand innovation methods across the timeline of history in terms of knowledge evolution, design and architectural construction, versus judging the effectiveness of various methods….The ultimate goal of this project is to help move the art, science and design of innovation process modeling forward into the 21st century.”
Anyone working on the R&D of customized method creation can benefit from this book series and the analysis framework within. We created the Think Balance Analysis Framework for this study two years before we embarked on an update of our own hybrid process that we use now in our practice. The framework incorporates all the learnings that we assembled from our own methods research. You can interpret that framework any way you choose, embracing or disregarding its various considerations.


GK VanPatter
GK VanPatter is CoFounder of Humantific and author of the just published Rethinking Design Thinking: Making Sense of the Future that has Already Arrived. He is an internationally recognized multi-disciplinary innovation capacity building advisor. His passion is helping to build next generation innovation leadership skills and inclusive innovation cultures. He holds a Masters Degree in design from Pratt Institute in New York and has decades of strategic practitioner experience. He was an early advocate of rethinking design beyond the assumptions of product, service and experience. As Editor of the groundbreaking NextD Journal he has gained an international readership. Prior to cofounding Humantific, GK was VP of Innovation at Scient, a Scient Fellow and CoFounder of Scient’s Innovation Acceleration Lab. Geared to organizational leaders, he codesigned Humantifc’s Complexity Navigation Program. He has long been actively involved in the Next Generation Emerging Practice Community and the Rethinking Design Thinking Movement. He writes often on the importance today of appreciating cross-community knowledge and speaks frequently at conferences around the world.

Elizabeth Pastor
Elizabeth Pastor is Partner, Author and CoFounder of Humantific. She is an internationally recognized expert in the hybrid combination of Visual SenseMaking and Strategic CoCreation. Her passion is helping people think clearly and make sense of complex situations in new and inclusive ways. Elizabeth holds a Masters Degree in Communication & New Media Design from Art Center College of Design in California and is CoContributor to the just published book; Rethinking Design Thinking, Making Sense of the Future that has Already Arrived. She has years of experience working with organizational leaders on complex sensemaking for changemaking initiatives. Elizabeth codesigned and teaches Strategic CoCreation and Visual SenseMaking in Humantific’s Complexity Navigation Program. She also teaches in the Executive MBA program at Spain’s ICADE Graduate Business School and virtually in the 4th Industrial Revolution’s Future Work Skills Academy. Prior to cofounding Humantific, Elizabeth cofounded Scient’s Innovation Acceleration Lab. She had previously worked with Richard Saul Wurman and Donovan & Green. Bilingual in English and Spanish she is a native of Madrid living in New York City. She speaks at conferences around the world.
Feel free to send us your innovation process suggestions, historical or contemporary, for consideration in Book 2 of this series.

Here in the LAB we will share a glimpse into our ongoing innovation process analysis work utilizing the Think Balance Framework.

Just Published
Part expose, part history lesson and part provocation, ReThinking Design Thinking extends Humantific’s significant body of sensemaking work addressing innovation, design and changemaking. Connecting the dots between theory and practice, philosophy and methodology, this book shares our perspective on how Humantific makes sense of the already-arriving future of design/design thinking.